Laser & Skin Videos

Looking Your Best at 80 – Fractional Laser Skin Resurfacing by Corey S. Maas MDTM

* The following auto-generated transcript has not been proofread for grammar, spelling or accuracy.

“I was caught on the way out, going down to our surgery as our patient room where I’m going to do laser skin resurfacing on an 80-year old very attractive woman who is very spry and getting ready to do a family reunion. And we’re going to do a laser skin resurfacing for her skin and I can tell you that it’s never really too late to look your best. She’s a very active lady and has lot of sun damage and changes that will be improving. She’s actually a post-operative patient from a lower face-lift and eyelid surgery and so we’re a couple of days after doing this while she’s nice and numb and it’ll be super so come follow me down we’ll take a look and see how we can make somebody look in their best.

So, the entrance is easy and I’ve got a little secret passage way to the secured door, nobody knows about this of course but now we’re in so follow me and we’ll get back here. So, you don’t have to do laser skin resurfacing in an accredited facility like this or Surgery Center and all that but we have a nice comfortable procedure rom we’re doing in. You’ll get to use a cooling device called the Zimmer put topical numbing on and will do little blocks so they’re really comfortable whether you’re 35 or 85 it really doesn’t matter it’s the same approach. We make sure that the experience is good, and this we tell everyone with fractional laser skin resurfacing it’s about 5 days maybe 6 to make up, depends on the patient on how well they heal.

So, you can see this collagen skin contraction here, you see that skin contracting on itself? I’m not going to let it dwell right at the jawline, yeah there’ll be a couple of hotspots, okay?

And the two things the people don’t like getting blown into is their ear and their nose. Yeah that one hurts, the numbing sucks, they hurt. I’m going to go lightly over the cherry, that’s a little dusty, it actually makes… It always stops and give you a little local, you tell me that you must. I’m just going to move your eye a little bit there’s nothing there just a little cotton ball.

I’m going to blow towards the laser because you’re blowing the plumb of smoke into the room.

I’m going to go lightly with this area and I’m going back to a little blending here, just right over her jaw line so nobody can tell where we started or stop. You want to come down just a little bit over the chin because we don’t want to see a line of demarcation where her skin looks definitely improved you know it’s going to really…

Hey, can you open them? That makes it easier, thank you. Same thing on this side, there you go. I’m going to put a little drop of the numbing back in there so that will make you feel better. Okay, this is that special soothing ointment that I put on. It’s really obnoxious because it looks like noxzema. Remember noxzema in the old days? Remember the white cream noxzema?

Yeah it looks like that. So, this is a layer, you can assist. You did great, you tolerated the hot spots, you got through the other, the numbing with great ease. Better than 90% of our patients.We have our patient here who is a nice 50?

Patient: No.

Dr. Maas: 60?

Patient: Go up.

Dr. Maas: 70?

Patient: Go up.

Dr. Maas: 80?

Patient: Yes

Dr. Maas: Oh, there you go. Nice 80-year-old young lady who’s a true beauty and we got her a little resurfacing done today and we’ll be very happy when she’s recovered in about 5 or 6 days. The biafine is white cream we use to the first day, it’s a macro-phase stimulator and should go over to the post effect the back of formulation which say basically an active paste a non-thick water soluble.”


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Introduction to the Facelift Procedure

Introduction to the Facelift Procedure

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Dr. Corey S. Maas

World Renowned Facial Plastic Surgeon