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Anesthesia Options for Facial Surgery

* The following auto-generated transcript has not been proofread for grammar, spelling or accuracy.

“One of the main questions that people asked once we go through this sort of technical parts of doing Aesthetic Facial surgery or Aesthetic plastic surgery in general is what type of anesthesia do I need to have and I think there’s a very good questions because everybody watches television they hear all kinds of stories about anesthesia from good to bad and the bottom line is anesthesia has come a very long way even in the last 10 years and we have lots of options available that are suitable to any of a different variety of conditions and patient condition whether the surgeries we choose are smaller or the patients that we have are super sensitive, we can manage with a variety or a menu of different surgical options. In general, while the anesthesia can be divided in number of different ways at the San Francisco rejuvenation center and The Maas ClinicTM we like to think of anesthesia in a couple of formats.

One of them is local anesthesia where you’re simply doing a very small procedure and we give injections of numbing to treat the area and more commonly it’s local with sedation and when we’re that can simply be a couple of pills that you’re taking based on your needs or it could be a little IV as started while we certainly do monitoring whenever we’re doing sedation and there are very straight guidelines for how we do that, that are set up. But local with sedation allows you to really relax and feel very comfortable from the medicines themselves and then are unable to really do the local injections without much of any even remember instead of procedure itself.

The second general type of anesthesia and I say general is not general anesthesia from our definition is what we called Monitored Deep Sleep Anesthesia or MDSA. MDSA anesthesia is a very nice hybrid between being sedated if you will with local and sedation and having what is traditionally called general anesthesia where you’re all the way out, you’re paralyzed you’re on a respirator and you’re really completely under the influence of the anesthesiologist and the machines that are breathing for you. We don’t have to do that with this type of surgery from most of our patients we can do monitor deep sleep anesthesia and the procedures as follows: The patient will come in and get a little IV, they’ll be sleepy and brought into the operating room with that IV are able to get them very nicely sedated, we’ll use some protection of the airway with the newer device called an LMA, it’s not down the MA trachea but it protects the airway from secretions dropping down so there’s no problem with aspiration with this and patient is allowed to totally breath on their own, so there’s no paralysis so they can get a tube down through the vocal chords, you don’t have to be on a respirator you’re breathing on your own and we just keep you to be very comfortable during the procedure with MDSA by keeping you in a nice level even layer sleep. I numb people up as so they’re awake anyway the brain registers no pain or discomfort so that makes it very nice and when they turn the medicine on they go to sleep, they turn it off you wake up and its very, very simple procedure without all the nausea or hang-over effects that is traditionally associated with the general anesthesia as most people think of it.

So again just a summary, the basic categories are local and local with sedation and that we call monitor deep sleep anesthesia. For the body surgery there may be some needed to do general and there’s some very, very nice ways to do general anesthesia where they have it comfortable for our patients but for the most part with the aesthetic facial surgery that I’m doing we have very low narcotic needs and does people are not sick after afterwards and very low anesthesia needs frankly because I numb people up so they’re awake and that makes it comfortable and easy for patients. So if you have any questions about anesthesia types or choices please feel free to write on the blog @DrMaas.com, you can call the office or send us an email and we’re very happy to respond and get those cleared up and again very, very appreciative for you following us on @DrMaas.com. Follow me on twitter @twitter.com/DrMaas and Facebook.com TheMaasClinic, @MaasClinic. So Corey S. Maas MDTM again signing out, thanks again.”


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Dr. Corey S. Maas

World Renowned Facial Plastic Surgeon